The Power of Vulnerability
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path.” ~ Brené Brown How tightly do we cling to our personal facades? We all have … Continued

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Breaking up is hard to do and can be one of the most painful experiences in life. It can leave you feeling sad, lonely, angry, and confused. Feelings of rejection and even guilt can linger for a long time and it’s important to be kind and patient with yourself as you heal. And you WILL … Continued

Kelleher International Matchmaking Service: A Culture of Love
“Everything we do begins with love,” says Amber Kelleher- Andrews co-Ceo of Kelleher International Matchmaking Service. “We are so steeped in this reality as a company that it comes through in everything we do. Our company culture is based on this and every employee at Kelleher says that this is what keeps them so excited … Continued

Giving Back
Here at Kelleher International we believe that giving back is a basic tenet of life and relationships, that not only enriches the lives around us, but strengthens the fabric that binds us all. It creates the perfect circle. Whether it’s through charity in our communities or making sure that we are always on point when … Continued

The Business of Dating to Find Love
For many single business executives and entrepreneurs, dating to find love is more challenging than the work they do. So it’s easier to treat February 14th like another day at the office instead of orchestrating Valentine’s Day date night. But when you feel it, love is a powerful motivator. According to the National Retail Federation’s … Continued

Deal Breakers and Looking for Love
Sharing dating stories is a great way to showcase our matchmaking style here at Kelleher International while highlighting common issues that arise for singles looking for love. Note: Names are changed to protect client privacy. Dina had been on three dates through Kelleher International before meeting John. She was open on many things, but height … Continued