Here at Kelleher International we believe that giving back is a basic tenet of life and relationships, that not only enriches the lives around us, but strengthens the fabric that binds us all. It creates the perfect circle. Whether it’s through charity in our communities or making sure that we are always on point when it comes to giving freely of ourselves in all of our relationships, this is the driver of joy and happiness that is second to none.
“I can’t imagine a relationship that isn’t based on giving as much of yourself as you can to your partner.”
“In any other scenario you lose. It is the foundation of any successful marriage”, says Amber Kelleher-Andrews, CEO of Kelleher International. “Even during the early stages of dating there is no other quality that gets things humming and growing as quickly.”
At any given moment we have a choice. We can give freely of ourselves or get bogged down in our own stuff.
Stepping outside of a self-centered approach and keying in on the needs of others is truly liberating. Love spins out of control in this scenario. It’s heady, uplifting and truly life affirming.
“Our relationship coaches are having huge successes with our clients because they facilitate a safe place for growth and conversation. A key theme is giving back in relationships and being unselfish. This has always been the basis of any great partnership. It seems so basic but sometimes it’s just hard to see the forest for the trees”, says Jill Kelleher, founder of Kelleher International.
We love giving back, not only in relationships but in our communities and the world at large. Once you start this you can’t really stop it. It’s infectious and addicting. The really good kind of addicting because it’s a win-win. As you enrich others and the world, you enrich yourself.
“Life’s persistent and most urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”
That quote comes from the great Martin Luther King Jr. And we couldn’t agree more. It doesn’t matter how you choose to do it, just do it.
One of our favorite causes is Virgin Unite for their unyielding drive to put people and the planet before profit. We have a retreat on Necker Island twice a year with Richard Branson called “Success to Significance” where we gather business leaders from all over the world to create this change.
Another great foundation that we support is Wild Aid. They are committed to protecting endangered wildlife. Peter and Corie Knights have been leading the charge with protecting some of the most endangered species on the planet for years.
We have helped raise millions of dollars for these amazing foundations through leveraging our network for good. Kelleher International has become so much more than just a matchmaking firm through the years and we are so grateful to have been asked to participate in these global initiatives.
They say what you give comes back to you tenfold. And although we certainly don’t give back for these reasons, we have been blown away by the good will, word of mouth and amazing people we’ve met on this journey.
When you open the door to love and participate in the welfare of others, the synergy, hope and joy that start to materialize is just dazzling.
We welcome you to join us in this journey and reap the benefits of giving unconditionally and with purpose. As we say around here, Kelleher International is more than a match and that we match on purpose.
Our events and gatherings tied to philanthropy and our life and relationship coaching staff have made us a one stop shop to do good, find love and help you become the best version of yourself.