Are You Really Available?
Everyone has that friend who always seems to date people who are unavailable on an emotional level and are unable to commit. Maybe you are that person. If so, why do you think you do it? Many times it can be that it’s an unconscious decision and at other times it may be quite purposeful … Continued
Fathering is an Art
Being a great dad is one of the simplest and most difficult things at the same time. It is one of the most challenging and rewarding things to take on. Fathering is an art, a true labor of love and when one chooses to take that journey it is a lifelong commitment to another individual. … Continued
Deepen Your Connections
Social distancing can deepen your connections. Or weaken them. It’s really up to you. Self-quarantine means forced proximity for live-in couples and families. “The uncertainty surrounding the current global health crisis is causing deep anxiety. That, coupled with the unexpected forced proximity for those living under the same roof compounds things, explains Amber Kelleher-Andres, CEO … Continued
Relationship Success Is a Labor of Love
How does relationship success look and feel? And how do we get there?! Relationship success is a labor of love. And there are no shortcuts because there’s no final destination. Real success in your romantic partnership takes a daily re-commitment. But when you’re with the right person – the one willing to do the work … Continued
Doubting & Dating: Your Romantic Relationship Roadblock
I don’t believe I can find the romantic relationship that I want. Does that sound like your inner-voice? Doubting and dating don’t mix. Because when you’re doubting, you’re not ready. And when you’re not ready, the dating experiences you have will reflect that. At Kelleher International matchmaking, we find it’s essential to get ready for … Continued
Your Healthy Relationship Is One Story Away
At Kelleher International, we may be the executive search firm for your love life, but after that, it’s your job to build a healthy relationship. One of the most powerful ways to find and have a healthy relationship is to evaluate the stories we tell ourselves. Stories have always played a significant role in the … Continued