Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
Breaking up is hard to do and can be one of the most painful experiences in life. It can leave you feeling sad, lonely, angry, and confused. Feelings of rejection and even guilt can linger for a long time and it’s important to be kind and patient with yourself as you heal. And you WILL … Continued

Kelleher International Matchmaking Service: A Culture of Love
“Everything we do begins with love,” says Amber Kelleher- Andrews co-Ceo of Kelleher International Matchmaking Service. “We are so steeped in this reality as a company that it comes through in everything we do. Our company culture is based on this and every employee at Kelleher says that this is what keeps them so excited … Continued

Inside the Kelleher Matchmaking Experience
Explore the matchmaking experience through the perspective of a few Kelleher International clients. If you’re considering hiring a matchmaker in the New Year, we’re pulling back the curtain on some recent matches. Maybe you’re not sure if a matchmaker makes sense for you. Or you don’t believe the hype around Kelleher International. “These are excerpts … Continued