Male Intimacy
During a recent filming of The Daily Show’s Emmy Award winning series, Between the Scenes, Trevor Noah had a conversation with his audience about some online banter he had read about men having less sex than usual and he raised some really great questions about male intimacy, societal norms, expectations and the assumptions we have … Continued
Expectations Affect Momentum in a Relationship
Do you struggle developing momentum in a relationship? Perhaps because your career is driving and a romantic relationship takes the back seat. Or maybe it’s because you’re the primary caregiver of the kiddos post-divorce, and navigating dating isn’t the main priority. The situations can vary considerably, but the collective certainty is that time is our … Continued
Relationship Success Is a Labor of Love
How does relationship success look and feel? And how do we get there?! Relationship success is a labor of love. And there are no shortcuts because there’s no final destination. Real success in your romantic partnership takes a daily re-commitment. But when you’re with the right person – the one willing to do the work … Continued
The Vicious Cycle of Relationship Sabotage
Are you bad at dating or is it relationship sabotage? At Kelleher International, one common complaint we hear a lot from men, in particular, is that they don’t know why their previous relationships failed. Generally, unless something massive happens to end a relationship, it can be challenging to diagnose the fatal flaw. Somehow, a break … Continued
Navigating a Breakup Involving Kids
A breakup involving kids is difficult. But is it possible to break off your love interest & stay committed to their children at the same time? At Kelleher International, we know a breakup involving kids is never easy. And calling it quits with a partner whose children you adore can be one of the toughest … Continued
Feel-Good Ways to Handle Disapproval
At Kelleher International, we think it’s beneficial to know how to handle disapproval of relationships with grace. Couples face romantic scrutiny for all kinds of reasons – interracial, sexual orientation, differing religions, age gap, wealth disparity, lifestyle choices. If you find yourself on the receiving end of sideways glances and disapproving family members, it’s essential … Continued