We love new beginnings, a clean slate, a fresh start … so it’s such a great gift that the new year offers us the opportunity to list our resolutions for the coming year. If you’re reading this, chances are, you’re looking for love, and here at Kelleher International matchmaking service we’re here to help you find it. Read on and discover our New Year’s resolutions that attract love!
The more thought and intention you put into your resolution list the more successful you will be.
So it does help to create a ritual around it with candles and vision boards, etc., with all the makings of a love potion or spell. Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. The universe wants to conspire for you, it just might need a little spinning.
“Every part of the cosmos draws toward its mate.” ~Rumi
Find a quiet space, light a candle, breathe, meditate and sit with your thoughts. Really think about what you want and need this year. Wait and listen. Are there any new or surprising ideas that come to you? Write in free flow for a few pages without judgment. This will allow you to see what comes up for you and what you might want to pay attention to going forward. Just let the pen amble on, sharing your subconscious thoughts.
Make a vision board/pinterest collage. Just put in everything you want. Don’t be shy. This is supposed to be fun. Spoil yourself. Ask for the cherry on top!
Set an intention for the year. Be as specific as possible.
Write down the things you want in your future partner. What is important to you? What are your deal breakers and must haves? What are you grateful for? Beginning with a spirit of gratitude will open wide the windows of prosperity for new gifts and opportunities to enter in. There are no wrong answers, you are just opening up future possibilities.
Now that you are centered and have a clearer idea of your intentions you can start to think about your resolutions for the year. What do you feel you need to meet this moment? What are you lacking? Is there something in your life that isn’t serving you or baggage that needs to be let go of? Are there ways that you can treat yourself better?
Here are some resolution ideas, particularly for attracting love, from our very own matchmakers here at Kelleher International
Take time for yourself. This can be very challenging in your busy day, but it all starts here. You need to have alone time to recharge, regenerate, plan and set goals.
Make a conscious effort to have meaningful conversations with others in order to deepen your social connections. Hand in hand with this is committing to becoming a great listener and actively engaging when conversing with others.
Make sure to show up as your authentic self and be honest about your feelings and intentions.
Declutter your life. Getting rid of things you don’t need feels SO good! It also allows for new things (and people) to enter your life.
Get/stay in shape. What kind of workout routine can you do without dreading it? What really lifts your spirits? Find something you love to do and make it a permanent part of your weekly schedule.
Read more. Commit to reading one book a month. With all the reading we do at work these days, it’s hard to start a novel, but a good book is a perfect escape from everything else going on in the world. It’s also very sexy to be well read.
Improve your mental health. Meditate in the morning. Get up early and enjoy that time to get a positive perspective on the day. This good habit especially helps people who are prone to anxiety.
Get out there. Volunteer with a non-profit, join a gym, art class or club. The more you socialize and explore, the more opportunities you will have to meet like minded people.
Let go of any doubts and fears that you might have in order to open up to the possibilities of a new relationship.
Be kind to yourself this year and every year. Self-love is the seedbed of all great relationships. If you don’t love yourself, it’s impossible to love another.
Take action! In the end, the resolutions above are all for naught unless you act on your intention and desire to attract someone new into your life. Think of us as a tool for taking that action and when you are ready, put your search in our hands!