Our matchmakers are interested in more than just locating a quick fix for your relationship woes; our primary focus is on the quality of your relationships. One of the most popular questions we get from new members is how many dates they should plan to get while utilizing Kelleher International’s services. Our answer, while slightly unsatisfying, is the most ethical response we can provide: you will only get dates if we find compatible matches who meet your specifications. Our goal is not to set you up with dozens of random singles who happen to be searching for someone at the same time. Our process is much more detailed and involves a rigorous background check, interviews and good old fashioned patience while we search for exactly the right person for you. Our detailed process is what sets Kelleher International apart from other generic dating services that claim to have dozens of matches for you right from the start.
So many people today assume “bigger is better.” They want more dates and they want them now. The quality of the date is just an afterthought. We started wondering where this mindset comes from and it finally occurred to us that this message is being propagated day in and day out in every home across the globe. The perpetrator? Reality TV.
A vast majority of television viewers tune in to one or more reality TV shows on a regular basis. Guilty pleasures include The Bachelor,Real Housewives and the Seven Year Switch. Danish production company Snowman has developed two recent hits: Married at First Sight and Kiss Bang Love (both of which are exactly what they sound like). Most television viewers agree: these shows depict social train wrecks and completely unrealistic perceptions of real life. If that’s the case, why are reality show ratings still through the roof?
There are a few theories floating around. The first involves Bandura’s social cognitive theory, which would indicate that people use reality television as a model for their own relationships. While intriguing, this theory would indicate that every reality show’s fans have stormy relationships, which we all know is not true.
A far more likely theory comes from Jeremy Osborn of Albion College in Michigan. Osborn surveyed nearly 400 married couplesto evaluate their reality TV use as well as their perceptions of relationships. His findings are cause for concern. Osborn concluded that, “The more time people spend ‘living’ in the television world, the more likely they are to believe in the social reality presented on television.”
This fact is especially troublesome, as Osborne’s findings also indicated that reality TV enthusiasts valued relationships satisfaction above all else, but also seemed to hold conflicting beliefs that their own independence was key to happiness. These people were hesitant to commit to relationships because they believed they would be losing a piece of themselves in the process.
With divorce rates in the United States continuing to hover between40 and 50 percent, we cannot stress enough just how important quality matches are. When you are introduced to the right person, it’s no longer about maintaining your independence or micromanaging various aspects of your relationship – you’re just happy and that is enough. This is the power of the quality relationships our matchmaking services strive to help create.
Forget the “reality” on television and embrace your own love life without the drama. Our matchmaking services help you skip right to the good parts, so your first introduction might very well be your last. Complete our contact form today and get personalized matches – for better relationships.