Early Dating Do’s and Don’ts
At Kelleher International when a new client joins our elite network of singles, we begin by casting a wide net. It’s essential to get you out there exploring the dating landscape not only to discover your dating style and match preferences, but also find your dating rhythm. To get new clients started, we share early … Continued

Look Before You Leap
Sometimes as matchmakers we get emotionally charged inquiries around the general topic of taking things to the next level after agreeing to the terms of casual dating. It’s a topic that will earn an eye roll from anyone eavesdropping on our conversation unless they are in the throes of navigating new love in the modern … Continued

Navigating Non-Exclusive Waters
Non-Exclusive dating isn’t a new concept for men who’ve long been playing the field. But with today’s swipe culture, non-exclusive dating is the new norm for the majority of single adults in the dating pool. Often a casual, non-exclusive relationship is the best option for someone working on themselves or making big moves in their … Continued