There is a formula for creating the best dating profile pictures.
Last spring we shared the importance of first impressions and how in the digital dating age, your picture is that first impression. In that blog, our Kelleher Matchmaking team invited you to consider professional photos as an additional investment in your love life.
This week we’re spotlighting Sandy Grigsby, a friend of the firm who takes gorgeous portraits of many Kelleher clients. Sandy is not only a talented photographer, but she also helps people like you discover and radiate personal confidence. Sandy’s interaction with Kelleher International clients is the sort of magic that creates the best dating profile pictures.
Sandy recognized her gift at helping others radiate their light and founded Brio Five, LLC, a leading branding photography studio focused on industry experts. She even photographed our matchmaking firm’s founder, Jill Kelleher.

“I don’t love having my photo taken,” admits Kelleher International founder, Jill Kelleher. “Sandy not only helped me forget that fact, but I ended up loving so many of the pictures she took. The whole photo shoot was fun and easy. She’s a natural and you’ll feel like one, too.”
Brio Five also focuses on women’s empowerment and creating an authentic online image. Sandy’s own experience dating and the insecurities we all feel putting ourselves out there empowers her to capture you in your best light.
The best dating profile pictures radiate confidence.
Kristine Givas, National Director for Kelleher International, explains, “Well-taken, intentional photos can bring your special beauty to life. That natural confidence boost strengthens your match-ability. Of course we know a photo is rarely the whole picture, but it’s certainly the hook that leads to the in-person meeting where you’ll discover if there’s chemistry.”
Now that you understand our idea of great photography, we encourage you to watch this TEDxHUDCJ talk by Sandy Grigsby as she “guides the audience through her process of uncovering one’s confidence, value, and inner being, to expose an authentic and powerful personal arc.”
Schedule a call with Sandy to learn more.
If you don’t hire a professional photographer to get your best dating profile pictures, you’ll at least know what it takes to reach in and let your light shine – in photos, on dates, and in every other aspect of your life.