Be Ready With These Date Night Essentials
What are date night essentials and why are they important? Many Kelleher International matchmaking clients admit being equally excited and nervous as chemistry builds with a new match. And one looming thought that comes up is, will this date night be the one where we finally have a sleepover? If you’re not sure that an … Continued

The Importance of Pacing a New Relationship
At Kelleher International, we believe pacing a new relationship is critical. If you’ve ever run a long-distance race or marathon, you deeply understand the importance of pacing. Those same principles apply when considering a long-term romantic partner in your life. “It’s common to get too caught up in the desire of being in a relationship … Continued

Love Sonia Movie: Shining Light on Darkness
This week’s Kelleher International blog is by CEO Amber Kelleher-Andrews. Two years ago, I learned about Love Sonia, a film in development that was shining a light of awareness on the dark world of sex trafficking. What I learned about trafficking and our youth hit me in the core. I was immediately drawn and inspired … Continued

Heat of the Moment
In both matchmaking and online dating singles go out with virtual strangers. At Kelleher Matchmaking we vet our clients which adds a level of confidence, but often we hear stories of someone coming on too strong or a woman feeling uncomfortable with sexual advances. The #MeToo Movement makes men and women equally leery of dating … Continued